Network and REZ design, Integration, and Operation

Power station at sunset

Network and REZ design, Integration, and Operation

Our approach to network design and operation comes from being the people responsible for network design and operation - for networks, generators and AEMO. At GPE our difference is combining our specialist expertise across the supply chain into whole-of-system thinking in network D&C.

Our technical approach here is unique to us, so call if you want to hear the details. GPE’s technical and market expertise not only solves system integration and constraint minimization in the most efficient manner possible, it also manages the three key structural risks faced across the energy sector globally as we transition our power systems.

We don’t just think things through from the technical, we apply a strategic understanding of market dynamics, people and processes that need to be navigated to get things done. With world class technical design, the structural trilogy impacting the power system transition can be managed:

  • Race dynamics – human and equipment resource scarcity means projects and governments are in a race to secure investment, design and construct to meet climate targets.
    - Our technical approach delivers speed to build because requirements, risks and mitigations are clearly identified through a Steady State analysis.
  • Design & Construct
    - Constraint minimisation and GPS efficiencies are activated by our whole-of-system technical design and modelling approach.
  • Securing Investment
    - Delivered by the outputs from i and ii.
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March 2023
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