Strategic & Technical Project Review & Forward Plan

How can we help?
Our joint strategy development allows for GPE and clients to first align objectives, and we utilise our technical and market expertise to advise the most appropriate approach to projects, including why and how to:
- Maximise business objectives;
- Approach and design technical generator and network requirements; and
- Minimise regulatory risk, and, timeframes.
We complete this offering at all stages of a project’s lifecycle, however increasing benefit is maximised the earlier completed in project planning phases. Our world leading technical expertise is harnessed to focus on clearly and plainly outlining the ‘technical why’ as this gives us the way – aligning how to progress a project for clients and the project’s stakeholders.
The strategic reports developed by GPE, will encompass:
(a) Review the project status and objectives with you – record objectives clearly;
(b) Review the agreed schedule, submission requirements and interaction with the Network Service Provider and AEMO;
(c) Review the contractual milestone requirements;
(d) Review the OEM, and if required the intended consultant, for grid connection capabilities, strengths and weaknesses;
(e) Complete a risk assessment of intended delivery methods, with regard to the difficulty of progress and project impacts with your OEM, clients, AEMO and NSP;
(f) Develop mitigation strategies in order to minimise requirements and progress the projects to align with your milestones; and
(g) Produce a strategic report documenting the above
As part of strategy development, GPE’s approach is to identify the activities that lead to maximum benefit for clients.